Bauer Vapor Hyperlite 2 SR Goalie Pads
13,999.00 ₪ מחיר רגיל
9,999.00 ₪מחיר מבצע
כולל מע״מ
מגיני רגליים לבוגרים, לרמה עלית
- Calf Plate Hybrid Calf Support System- single calf bracket for stable mobility
- Knee Landing Stabili-Grip Knee Landing to help keep the knee centered on the block
- Strapping Tune Fit Strap System featuring new lower calf strap for leg connectivity
- Boot flex FREE-FLEX 110 Degree Boot (Soft for Flexible Feel)
- Toe Centered Elastic Toe System
- Knee Block STABILIFLEX Knee Block to limit over-rotation with some flexibility
- Knee Wing Comes with pads in box
- Flex Core REBOUND BOOST CORE (Soft) + THIN geometry for full leg connection + CURV Stiff Thigh
- Material SL1D3R skin for lightweight, slideability and fast rebounds
טבלת מידות מגיני רגליים Bauer
Bauer מידת מידה באינצ'ים Senior XX-Large 37+1 Senior X-Large 36+1 Senior Large 35+1 Senior Medium 34+1 Senior Small 33+1 Intermediate Large 32+1 Intermediate Medium 31+1 Intermediate Small 30+1 Intermediate X-Small 29+1 Junior Large 30+1 Junior Medium 28+1 Junior Small 26+1 Junior X-Small 24+1 Youth Large 24+1 Youth Medium 22+1 Youth Small 20+1